
Travelling to Spain? Good luck with filling out the questionnaire!

Filling out forms, naturally, is something everyone dislikes. It almost seems like some countries are competing to see who has the longest or most annoying form. All those endless lists of information you have to provide, often at inconvenient times and places, when you want to go on holiday or have just arrived. And does anyone even look at what I fill out on those papers?

I haven't been overseas for quite a while, but I do remember that those forms were handed out just before landing. Panic ensued throughout the plane because we were almost landing, so how was I supposed to write while the tray table had to be stowed, where did we put the passports, and what do they exactly mean with some of these questions?!

Stress before you go on vacation

The form you have to fill out for the US always gives me the creeps because if even one letter or number turns out to be wrong upon arrival, you might be on the first flight back home. It sometimes feels like a test, but worse. At least you can retake a test. But an apparent mistake on this list is absolutely out of the question.

Long questionnaire for your vacation to Spain

And now... just when we got rid of the Corona paperwork for Spain, from October 1, 2024, new trouble is coming. Whether you could answer 40 questions, including what your bank account number is... I already don't feel like booking a vacation to Spain anymore. And anyone who is doubting between Spain or Greece will probably choose not to go to Spain.

To Ibiza!

I myself really want to go to Ibiza again in 2025. So, I wait in suspense to see if this will really happen and what exactly "they" want to know from me. I'm willing to fill out some forms, but please, let it not be such an inconvenient online thing like in the summer of 2020 with a system that kept crashing.