
Who do you prefer sitting next to on the plane?

"Boarding completed" always sounds like a party to me when the seat next to me is still empty. As soon as these words are spoken, I quickly glance down the aisle to make sure no one else is coming.

I do enjoy chatting with my neighbors on the plane. I've had times where I've spent two hours having an extensive conversation with a fellow passenger. There was also a time when I started a conversation with the person next to me, and by the end of the flight, a lively group discussion had emerged involving three entire rows. Time flew by!

Laughing on the plane

I've mentioned it before, but it was fantastic when I laughed so hard that tears rolled down my cheeks. I was seated between a group of tipsy young men who were spouting the most amusing nonsense. It was hilarious! After a while, the other passengers were also shaking with laughter. Even the stewardess, after trying hard to hold it in, eventually couldn't stop laughing. I wouldn't have missed that for the world.

Coolest passenger

He wasn't sitting next to me, but once I flew with a real star: Maradona. For those who don't know, my father is from Argentina, so this was, of course, super, super, super cool for the whole family! I only saw him when he disembarked, not realizing that he had been nearby for hours, but still... it was definitely cool.

Annoying people next to you during the flight

Like everyone else, I've also had my share of less pleasant, temporary neighbors. People who don't even say "hello" when they sit next to you. Or who give you a strange look when you say something to them. Someone who thinks you don't mind a sharp elbow hanging over the armrest. And sometimes, someone who keeps talking when it's just a bit too early for that. Not really worth mentioning now that I think about it, but in those situations, the flight seemed endless.

Empty seats at the back of the plane

Yes! I love having the whole row to myself, especially early in the morning or late in the evening. I always choose one of the seats at the back; they are often the last to be occupied. It's best to pick a row where someone has already reserved a window seat. If you take the aisle seat, it's unlikely that someone will voluntarily reserve the middle seat.

Team Trolley!

If you sit at the back, you're usually a bit later getting off the plane than if you choose a seat at the front. But it's so much nicer to have an empty seat next to you. And those extra minutes it takes to get out of the plane, you easily make up for. Because, of course, you always have your trolley with you, so you don't have to wait at the baggage carousel for your suitcase.