
My study trip family

Meeting new people while traveling is fun! Of course, you might not always feel like having that early morning chat with your temporary neighbors on the plane at 7 AM. But a bit later during the flight, it can actually be quite enjoyable.

Each study trip brings its own bit of excitement at the beginning. Often, you're on the road with a group of strangers. You have to figure out how to get along with this select group of unknowns for several days. So far, I've always had great, friendly people around me on my amazing trips.

Traveling with a cool group

How cool is it when, on the first evening, you ask a fellow traveler if you can call her your study trip mom, and she laughs and says she'd be happy to look after you for a few days? And then years later, when you become a mother yourself, you find a card in your mailbox signed with 'Your study trip mom.' Doesn't that just make you happy? And when someone, who knows nothing about this, calls the kind leaders of the group 'mom and dad' on a new study trip, it's like the cherry on top of the awesome study trip cake.

Vacationing with your family

It's so special that after just one day, you interact with everyone as if you've known each other for years. If someone is late for the bus, they get mercilessly teased in a playful way, you share the most personal stories with each other... And you have a race to see who gets to the pool first after a fun but long day of visiting hotels, squeezing in some time for a cocktail in the hot tub. At many moments, it really feels like you're on vacation with your family. The only difference is that after a few days, you have to say goodbye to this family. And that's a shame. There's a good chance you won’t see each other much or even ever again.

Staying in touch

Fortunately, we have Facebook and Instagram to keep in touch. After all, you've experienced something unique together as study trip 'brothers and sisters'. So, reminiscing together now and then about that cool hotel, that delicious lunch, or that hilarious joke is always a happy moment!