
Stress at the airport

I always like to be on time everywhere. I would rather wait an hour for the train than miss it by a minute. If I have an appointment, with anyone, I make sure to arrive neatly five minutes in advance. And that's why I often find myself at Rotterdam Airport at 5 AM with bloodshot eyes from fatigue, already at the gate for a flight that departs at 7 AM.

Because many people always say that you can arrive an hour in advance in Rotterdam, I thought: ‘I’m actually being silly. Sitting around doing nothing for two hours at the gate so early in the morning. Let me do things differently this vacation and start by arriving just 1.5 hours in advance, that should really be early enough.’ Nothing could be further from the truth…

Strict control

After showing my boarding pass on the way to the security check, I saw them ready: the ground stewardesses of Transavia. Whether we could put our trolley in the ‘fit frame’. My suitcase was so small, so I confidently lifted it and… what a disappointment! My tiny little trolley, which I had been allowed to take in the cabin on dozens of flights, just didn’t fit! So unfortunately, it had to be checked in.

Long queue at the counter

‘You can drop it off at the check-in counter.’ That line wasn’t too bad, and I was relieved when it was my turn fairly quickly. But then came the catch: without a credit card, my payment (also €65!) could not be processed. For that, I had to go to the service desk.

It was now 20 minutes before boarding time, and with only one lady behind the counter and still five people ahead of me, I could only think: ‘I need to get rid of my trolley, but how?’ Within seconds, I remembered I had a beach bag with me and that my Ibiza clothes weren’t that big. So, there we go! Emptied everything out of the suitcase and divided it between my beach bag and backpack. And took a bit of space in my friend’s trolley!

Leaving the suitcase at the airport

Just as I was about to place my suitcase by the trash can, a puzzled-looking security officer happened to walk by. I immediately explained the situation and made him happy with my beautiful trolley! Small note: ‘You can’t take it in the Transavia cabin! ;-)’

Stress at the security check

‘All’s well that ends well,’ we thought. But we weren’t there yet! Just when we were supposed to board, my items went to the right on the conveyor belt during the security check. It had to go through the machine again. What a stress! And what a relief when it passed through correctly the second time. For the other passengers, that wasn’t the case, and their luggage kept going to the inspection line again and again.

Finally boarding!

Now off to the plane! But no, we weren’t there yet. Our boarding passes were blocked. The check-in counter staff was, of course, still waiting for my payment! Hadn’t thought of that. ‘Where is your suitcase, ma'am?’

Fortunately, my bras and bikinis were still half hanging out of my beach bag, so my answer: ‘I threw it away, otherwise I would miss my flight’ came across as believable enough!