
12x When your family lives on the other side of the world

1 Who are you rooting for?

Let's get straight to the most important thing: football. When 'they' have to play against each other, who are you rooting for? Every match leads to (un)necessary discussions.

2 What time is it?

You often have to wait until it's time to call when you have something fun to share. And sometimes you don't realize that it's earlier or later there. Oops... Sorry for waking you up!

3 Fiesta!

Holidays with the family? Forget it. Those cheerful photos on Facebook, where everyone is sitting together at a long table, look nice. And you here... Very far away from them... Cheers!

4 Are you coming? No

You miss everything, really everything! Birthdays, weddings, graduations... And how quickly those cute kids of your cousins grow up.

5 Sad

It really feels far away when someone has passed away. Giving a hug to someone who needs it the most at that moment... That's not always possible.

6 Eh.. nice!

Everyone who has been to 'your country' has seen more of it than you have. For you, there's really only one place that's important: where your family lives. Sometimes I have to quickly and secretly look up what someone is talking about when they enthusiastically mention 'that one place'.

7 Bye!

The farewell after spending a few weeks with your family, and then going back home, is not fun. Who knows when you'll see each other again. So you wave until the bus is completely out of sight.

8 A second language

Learned from an early age without much effort, you learn a second language. Some words you didn't even know in Dutch when you were little. And everyone who barely speaks the respective language thinks you can express yourself perfectly.

9 Fame

Because not everyone has family in a faraway place, all the neighbors know it's you when you stay with your family. So even if you're just quickly going to the store, there's always someone who recognizes you.

10 That's normal, right?

You find things more normal because you grew up with extra customs and traditions. Where others might find certain traditions weird or strange, nothing surprises you anymore.

11 Home

You have a second homeland. A place you keep returning to. Even if it's just once every few years. You feel at home there. And you're always welcome because a whole family is waiting for you!

12 We're almost there...

And last, but certainly not least: you make a very special trip every so often. A trip you wouldn't normally make. You visit places you would normally skip and meet people you'll never forget. And the feeling you get every time you're almost at 'the town' is indescribable!!